The likelihood is that your dog will have been the ‘baby’ of the household for many years, with most couples getting a dog to practice looking after another being together. On average, couples have a dog for three years before welcoming a baby into their home. However, for some couples, there is a lot of anxiety around bringing a baby home and not knowing how the dog will feel/react.
Below, we cover a few things to consider when returning home to your dog with a newborn.
Get your baby equipment set up early
While it may be a few more weeks/months until your baby is due, it is never too early to start preparing your dog for this change. By setting up the cot, bouncer, toys etc, your dog can begin to acclimatise to these new baby-orientated surroundings, ensuring there are not too many changes for them to process in one day.
Put the baby’s blanket in with the dog
Dogs both respond to and are comforted by smells, with new smells throwing a dog off and seeing them react in some sort of way. This is why many parents choose to put a newborn baby’s blanket in their dog’s bed before returning home with the baby. This allows the dog to get familiar with this new smell which will occupy the house for many years to come!
Spend time together as a family
Although your new bubba will take up a lot of your time and energy, ensuring you are not neglecting your dog’s feelings and needs should be a top priority. This is why spending time as a family is always a great idea. Whether it be on the sofa to watch Baby TV or out for a nice walk, ensuring the dog knows they are not an inconvenience but a crucial member of the family will do wonders for the family as a whole.
Keep an eye
While your dog may be the kindest-natured pet, as a whole dogs can be unpredictable. This is why it is essential that you never leave a dog alone with a baby, especially during those initial weeks/months of integration.
Enjoy your new family!
Where the worry of introducing your new baby to your furry baby can feel daunting, when you follow these steps the process can be a lot more straightforward, allowing you to enjoy this hugely exciting juncture in your life.